Saturday, November 30, 2019

Influence of T.V. free essay sample

Everyone needs entertainment to take their minds away from the boring chores of everyday life. This entertainment can be in the form of music, movies, plays, and various other activities. The most common forms of entertainment are movies, which are watched by people of all ages. Movies are entertaining, but some movies can have a negative effect on their audience. The greatly influenced groups are teenager. The impact of movies on teens has been well studied, and although there is still much more research to be done, some things are already clear. While watching movies on the big screen can be entertaining for a teen, these movies can also have long-lasting effects on the way he or she views the world. The problem begins to occur when you start viewing movies as a guideline for how to live your life or start buying into the unrealistic portrayals of attractiveness, violent behavior and drug use often seen in popular films. We will write a custom essay sample on Influence of T.V. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Body Image Issues and Sexuality While watching attractive movie stars on screen can be entertaining for a teen, these stars sometimes project unrealistic images that can cause a teen to feel inferior. For some teens, watching films can change their body image and put pressure on them to lose weight. Actors like salman khan influences youth to have a fit body n have abs which results in pressure on youths to have such bodies to impress girls. Teens who watch movies with a lot of sexual content like jism, murder,etc may be more likely to engage in sex at an earlier age and could put themselves at risk for sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. Movie Violence Movie violence is often portrayed as harmless, but it can actually cause a rise in violent behavior in some teens. In particular, realistic violence in movies, such as portrayals of domestic violence or crime, can significantly impact a teen’s mental state. Like Rakht chatra. Some potential ways movie violence can influence a teen include: * Teaching aggressive behavior and encouraging violence as a way to solve conflict. * Making the teen less likely to report violence in school and college, domestic violence. They think as a shamefulness and that results in group fights. For realistic we can see this thing in our college. For some teens, watching violent movies may be even more of a problem. Teens with impulse control problems, emotional problems or behavioral issues may be more influenced by movie violence than other teens. Because the impact on teens differs from person to person, some teens who are exposed to excessive violence in movies may end up becoming bullies, while others may become victims of bullying in school. Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Use Another way that movies like Don, heroine can influence teens is by glorifying drug, alcohol and tobacco use. According to a report published by a Journalist of Preventive Medicine, teenagers who saw the most instances of smoking in movies were nearly twice as likely to try smoking themselves when compared to teens who saw the fewest instances of smoking in movies. In a separate study published in the issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol, researchers found that teens exposed to alcohol use in movies were more likely to start drinking at a young age. Although some movies have a negative effect on their audience, others may have a positive effect too. There are many educational movies out there that are informative. These movies are very few in number as compared to other movies that are not as informative. These movies are not liked by the young audience, so many movies are mostly a bad influence on young people. Compared to negativisms postiveness are smaller but they are as effective as of negative. I have a friend who watches movies frequently, and in interview he was able to ans the questions with the help of the movies that he has seen. Solutions Despite the constant uproar about popular culture ruining the youth, studies have shown that the number one thing that influences teenage behaviour is heir parents. Yes, you read that right. Of course, that doesnt mean all teenagers are doing everything their parents say (you wouldnt believe me if I tried to tell you that anyway. )   What it means is that children are watching their parents behaviour, soaking up their parents attitudes, and becoming like their parents slowly but surely, whether they like it or not. It means that, as a parent, wh at you say to your teen  and the rules you set dont matter nearly as much as the things you do, and your attitudes towards life. Teens will disobey to rebel, but they end up emulating their parents actions and  opinions. So parents should always help the teenager to view movies in realistic manner. Lets take the movie inkarr, here many has watched it for the sexual content but there is also an another view point in it, from that movie one can learn how to behave and at times how corporate works. Conclusion And the other main thing is up to the youth and his mindset; it’s up to the youth which he takes bad influence or good influence. Bad influence can lead him to become bullies while good can change his life(like my friend). Thank you.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

SAT vs ACT Math Which Is Easier

SAT vs ACT Math Which Is Easier SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you put to a vote whether the ACT Math test or the SAT Math test is easier, there's going to be heavy contention on both sides. Some will swear up and down (and sideways) that the SAT Math section is easier. Others will not be moved by any force in the world away from the position that the ACT Math section is the simpler one. But which faction is right? And more importantly, which test should you take? We’ve broken down the ins and outs of each math test to tell you which is easier, depending on the type of test taker and math student you are. Note: This article is based on the old (pre-2016) SAT Math format. For an updated comparison of the ACT and SAT Math sections, refer to our guide on the differences between these two tests. SAT and ACT Math Basics Though there are more similarities than not between the ACT Math section and the SAT Math section, there are still distinct differences in the structure, content, and timing of each test. And these differences are what make many people favor one math test over the other. In this section, we'll break down the basics of the style and content of each math section. We'll then compare the two tests in more detail side-by-side, giving you the pros and cons of each. Style of the SAT and ACT Math Tests While the tests are, of course, both math tests, each has its own distinct "flavor" and testing style. In this case, the "style" of the test includes the pacing of each test, the way the questions are phrased, and what each test sets out to measure. At the most basic level, the ACT Math section is set up to test how well you’ve retained your mathematical knowledge up to this point in your academic career. It also does this on a rapid timetable to make it a little more challenging. The questions will be a mixture of scenario ("Mary has 12 apples ...") and non-scenario ("Solve for x"), but each problem is designed to be as clear and straightforward as possible. The goal is to test you on the math concept at hand more than anything else- do you know how to solve it, or don't you? The SAT, on the other hand, is designed to test both your accumulated math knowledge as well as how well you can apply this knowledge to new math scenarios. The test is slower (meaning you have more time per question than you do on the ACT) and generally requires you to have a higher level of reading comprehension. The questions will be a mixture of scenario and non-scenario in addition to straightforward and "tricky." In general, questions at the beginning of each section will be straightforward, while questions at the end of each section will require more creative mathematical thinking and attention to detail. As you can see, although both the ACT and SAT Math tests are, at their core, a test of your math skills, their styles are noticeably distinct. Content of the SAT and ACT Math Tests Now that we've talked a little about the style and presentation of the SAT and ACT Math tests, let's talk about the math content each section covers. Both tests are designed to measure the math skill levels of millions of students each year, each of whom comes from a different background and brings different strengths to the table. This means that each test must be challenging for the vast majority of students (after all, if everyone got 100% of the questions right, it wouldn't do much to indicate individual skill level, would it?). Some of this challenge comes from the style of the test, as we saw earlier, and the rest comes from the content of each test. The ACT covers a wider range of math content than the SAT does, including algebra, plane and coordinate geometry, pre-calculus (including logarithms, rational numbers, complex numbers, and polynomials), and trigonometry. It's a good idea to take the ACT only while or after taking a class that covers pre-calculus and/or trig (or at least taken a stab at learning the subjects on your own). It's also important to note that you will not be given a formula box on the ACT, so you will have to memorize every formulayou'll need. The SAT covers a much narrower math subject range compared to the ACT and is limited to algebra and plane/coordinate geometry.You will never see trigonometry questions on the SAT and can realistically do quite well on the test without taking a pre-calculus class (though, of course, the more math classes you take in school, the better prepared you'll be for any standardized math test). You will also be given a formula box. But while the math content of the SAT is less extensive, each concept is tested in more detail and in new and creative ways. For example, you might have two questions on slopes for the ACT, but five or six slope questions- each of which will test you on a more nuanced facet on the subject- on the SAT. Naughty-nice list, pros and cons ... basically the same thing, right? ACT Math vs SAT Math: Pros and Cons So we’ve looked at the basics for the SAT and ACT Math tests, but how do you weigh in on the pros and cons of each? Let’s take a look. Aptitude vs Achievement Whether or not you agree that the ACT and SAT Math sections achieve what they were set up to measure, each test was designed with a specific purpose in mind. The SAT was designed to test the aptitude of a student- basically, one’s raw potential. How well do you solve puzzles? How well can you incorporate and use new information? Though you can (and absolutely should!) study for the SAT, the test was designed to measure a student’s ability to reason. The ACT, on the other hand, was designed as a test of achievement. How well have you learned a topic? Can you prove that mastery on paper? In this way, the ACT is more like the tests you take in school: learn a topic and take a test to illustrate that you’ve mastered it. Now, again, it can be argued that the tests are more alike than they are different when it comes to reflecting student ability (as well as other factors), but this is how they were set up and designed, and so some of these values still hold true. Special Note: The new SAT is making more of a transition toward testing student achievement, much like the ACT. This means that the two tests will soon have less variation on this measure than they do now. Reading Comprehension vs Trigonometry The SAT Math section is like a cross between a math test and a reading test. To solve each math question, you must first break down exactly what the question is asking you to find (often trickier than it sounds!) and then use your mathematical know-how to find that information. The ACT Math section is more straightforward and will generally only ask you to demonstrate your existing knowledge in exactly the same way the math tests you take in school do. The drawback is that you must have a wider range of math knowledge going into the test. If you don’t know trigonometry or logarithms (and if you haven't memorized your formulas), then you will miss questions on a significant chunk of the test. Trickier Questions vs Time Crunch Many SAT Math questions in the medium- and high-difficulty range are designed to make students who aren’t paying attention fall into math traps and choose bait answers. If you have familiarized yourself with the types of questions on the SAT, you will often be able to dodge these metaphorical pitfalls- but it’s not always easy. To balance this out, you will have 1.25-1.4 minutes to answer each math question (depending on the section). This is to give each student long enough to both answer the question and double-check the work, but always keep in mind that everyone’s test-taking pace is different. The ACT Math questions are, again, more direct and aren't designed to trick you, though this does notmean they are easy. You must also answer more questions in a shorter amount of time to make up for the benefit of more straightforward questions. You will only have an average of one minute per ACT Math question, which means you only have 70% as much time to answer each question as you do on most SAT Math questions. Multiple Short Sections vs All at Once Some people thrive on getting tasks done all at once, while others need breaks between subjects. How you test utterly depends on you. The SAT breaks up each of its three topics- Writing, Critical Reading, and Math- into multiple sections and scatters them throughout the whole test. You will never have to focus on one topic for more than 25 minutes at a stretch on the SAT. This can be a great gift for people who need to vary up their routine or who run out of steam in the long-term, but can be distracting for others who have trouble switching focus from topic to topic. The ACT tests each of its four subjects- Reading, Math, English, and Science- individually and completely. The subjects are not broken up and scattered but are arranged in order and must be completed one at a time. The ACT Math test is a full 60 minutes and takes place all at once, which is good for anyone who likes to get tasks completed and out of the way; however, this might be exhausting for others. Leaving Blank Answers vs Strategically Guessing The SAT penalizes random guessing by issuing a -0.25 point penalty for any wrong answer. If you can eliminate answer choices, your best bet is to guess, but if you can't, then you're better off leaving the answer blank. This point penalty can also be a huge blow to your score if you aren't careful about selecting your answer choices. Remember that many questions in the medium- and high-difficulty section on the SAT are engineered to make students make "careless errors." These errors include finding the wrong value (e.g., finding x instead of 2x), stopping the process of solving a math problem too soon, or performing a math function the wrong number of times. Often, you will see bait answers in the answer choices that correspond with these mistakes. This means that you should always be as sure as you can be about your answer choices before you make your final decision, especially with those questions in the medium- and high-difficulty range. Note that the SAT Math questions are in ascending order of difficulty and this resets for the grid-in. So the "high difficulty" range on the SAT is in the last several problems of each Math section, and in the multiple-choice questions right before the grid-in questions begin. The ACT, on the other hand, does NOT issue a point penalty for guessing or wrong answers. If you can eliminate answer choices, great! If not, it’s still fine! Always make a guess on an ACT question and never leave a question blank. It might seem that the ACT is easier than the SAT- after all, why be penalized when you don’t have to be?- but remember that the test is also curved across all students who take the test. So it might be the case that you as an individual will lose fewer points on the ACT because there is no guessing penalty, but it will be the same for everyone elseas well. In the end, the curve is about the same whether your guessing is penalized or not, so your best option for either test is to eliminate answer choices where you can and guess with as much strategy as possible. For more on how to guess questions on the SAT and ACT, check out our individual guides. Though we can't promise you'll be entirely "happy" taking either test, you will likely have a preference for one over the other. SAT Math vs ACT Math: Which Test Is Better for You? What it all comes down to is which test should you take: ACT Math or SAT Math? Unfortunately, the only way you will truly be able to determine which test is better for you is to sit down and take each one. If you're going to dedicate the recommended amount of time to studying (about 40 hours is a good rule of thumb) for your standardized test of choice, you may as well start by finding the right test for you. After all, how awful would it be to spend 30 hours studying for the ACT only to discover that you like the SAT better, or vice versa? So check out where to find real, free practice tests online for both the ACTand the SAT,and carve out some time (on separate days!) to take each one. But if you’re truly determined to only take one test, or if you simply want to know where to start first, take a look below. Be honest with yourself about your mathematical strengths and weaknesses, and find the test that you feel you can soundly conquer. Type of Math Student ACT SAT Does well on math tests in school âÅ"“ âÅ"“ Is good at memorizing mathematical concepts âÅ"“ Is good at solving new puzzles âÅ"“ Works well at a fast pace âÅ"“ Is good at paying attention to details âÅ"“ Does well on reading comprehension âÅ"“ Doesn’t get bored or tired easily âÅ"“ Has taken pre-calculus and/or trigonometry âÅ"“ Likes to switch focus from topic to topic âÅ"“ SAT Math or ACT Math? The Takeaways Both the ACT and SAT Math sections are entirely trainable, and you will be able to build up your scores no matter where you start. So take a look at each test and find the one that is more comfortable for you, both in terms of the math content and the test as a whole. Different people have different strengths and weaknesses, so don’t worry about what anyone else says is easier or better. Colleges have no preference whatsoever anymore for which test you take, so the decision is entirely up to you! What’s Next? Worried that your school of choice really does have a preference for the ACT or SAT? Check out how the Ivy Leagues feel about the ACT and SAT. Running out of time during your ACT or SAT Math section? Our guides will help you beat the clock on both the ACT Math section and the SAT Math section. Aiming for a perfect SAT/ACT Math score? Once you've decided on your test of choice, check out how to get a perfect 36 on the ACT Math section or a perfect 800 on the SAT Math section. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial: Disappointed with your ACT scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Catcher in the Rye Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices

'The Catcher in the Rye' Themes, Symbols, and Literary Devices J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye is a classic coming-of-age story. Narrated by sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield, the novel paints a portrait of a struggling teenage boy as he attempts to hide his emotional pain behind cynicism and false worldliness. Through the use of symbolism, slang, and an unreliable narrator, Salinger explores themes of innocence vs. phoniness, alienation, and death. Innocence vs. Phoniness If you had to choose one word to represent The Catcher in the Rye, it would be phony, Holden Caufield’s insult of choice and a word he uses to describe most of the people he meets and much of the world he encounters. For Holden, the word implies artifice, a lack of authenticity- pretension. He views phoniness as a sign of growing up, as if adulthood were a disease and phoniness its most obvious symptom. He has moments of faith in younger people, but invariably condemns all the adults as phonies. The flip side of this is the value Holden puts on innocence, on being unspoiled. Innocence is typically assigned to children, and Holden is no exception, regarding his younger siblings as worthy of his affection and respect. His younger sister Phoebe is his ideal- she is intelligent and perceptive, talented and willful, but innocent of the terrible knowledge that Holden himself has gained with his extra six years (most notably concerning sex, which Holden wishes to protect Phoebe from). Holden’s dead brother, Allie, haunts him precisely because Allie will always be this innocent, being deceased. Part of Holden’s torment is his own phoniness. While he does not consciously indict himself, he engages in many phony behaviors that he would abhor if he were to observe them in himself. Ironically, this prevents him from being innocent himself, which explains to some degree Holden’s self-loathing and mental instability. Alienation Holden is isolated and alienated throughout the entire novel. There are hints that he is telling his story from a hospital where he is recovering from his breakdown, and throughout the story his adventures are consistently focused on making some sort of human connection. Holden self-sabotages constantly. He feels lonely and isolated at school, but one of the first things he tells us is that he’s not going to the football game everyone else is attending. He makes arrangements to see people, and then insults them and drives them away. Holden uses alienation to protect himself from mockery and rejection, but his loneliness drives him to keep trying to connect. As a result, Holden’s sense of confusion and alarm grows because he has no true anchor to the world around him. Since the reader is tied to Holden’s point-of-view, that terrifying sense of being completely cut off from everything, of everything in the world not making sense, becomes a visceral part of reading the book. Death Death is the thread that runs through the story. For Holden, death is abstract; he’s not primarily afraid of the physical facts of the end of life, because at 16 he can’t truly understand it. What Holden fears about death is the change that it brings. Holden continuously wishes for things to remain unchanged, and to be able to go back to better times- a time when Allie was alive. For Holden, Allie’s death was a shocking, unwanted change in his life, and he is terrified of more change- more death- especially when it comes to Phoebe. Symbols The Catcher in the Rye. There’s a reason this is the title of the book. The song Holden hears contains the lyric if a body meet a body, coming through the rye that Holden mishears as if a body catch a body. He later tells Phoebe that this is what he wishes to be in life, someone who catches the innocent if they slip and fall. The ultimate irony is that the song is about two people meeting for a sexual encounter, and Holden himself is too innocent to understand that. The Red Hunting Hat. Holden wears a hunting cap that he frankly admits is kind of ridiculous. For Holden it is a sign of his otherness and his uniqueness- his isolation from others. Notably, he removes the hat whenever he is meeting someone he wants to connect with; Holden knows full well the hat is part of his protective coloring. The Carousel. The carousel is the moment in the story when Holden lets go of his sadness and decides he will stop running and grow up. Watching Phoebe ride it, he is happy for the first time in the book, and part of his happiness is imagining Phoebe grabbing for the gold ring- a risky maneuver that could get a kid a prize. Holden’s admission that sometimes you have to let kids take risks like that is his surrender to the inevitability of becoming an adult- and leaving childhood behind. Literary Devices Unreliable Narrator. Holden tells you he is the most terrific liar you ever saw. Holden lies constantly throughout the story, making up identities and masking the fact that he’s been kicked out of school. As a result, the reader can’t necessarily trust Holden’s descriptions. Are the people he calls phonies really bad, or is it just how Holden wants you to see them? Slang. The story’s slang and teenage vernacular are out of date today, but the tone and style were remarkable when it was published for the way Salinger captured the way a teenager sees and thinks about things. The result is a novel that still feels authentic and confessional despite the passage of time. Holden’s style of telling the story also underscores his character- he uses profanities and slang words very self-consciously to shock and to demonstrate his jaded and worldly ways. Salinger also employs the use of filler phrases in Holden’s story, which gives the narrative the feeling of being spoken, as if Holden were actually telling you this story in person.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Importance of Health Care Insurance Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Importance of Health Care Insurance - Case Study Example Health cover policies require that when a business has a total number going up to 25 full-time employees, they will be mandated to tax credits covering a total of 50% the population of staff insurance premium cost. Health insurance is all-inclusive for children and will cover them until they mature enough without parents incurring extra costs when paying for the cover. By subscribing to insurance wasteful spending is minimized, fraud is regulated and the expansion program for the preventive services is well ensured. The general essence of health insurance covers cut on medical spending while giving individuals an array of choices when seeking for health care services. For the cover to reach millions of people, extra taxes will be paid by mostly the high earners, which may affect an individual or a business. Health covers that come with many options will demand a complicated shopping affair hence confusing. To ensure full cooperation, the insurance policy demands that one pays monthly or else pay a fine for breaching the policy. It leaves nearly half of major nations without cover due to the inability to subscribe to it. Development of other features i.e. the CHIP takes away taxpayers money. Based on a full-time employment and employer mandate to pay insurance cover, many people have been put on shorter work hours in a bid to evade the payment of the cover. Lower paid workers get better benefits when compared to highly paid workers. It is generally accepted that youths are healthy and need no health cover, hence money paid for a youth is considered a waste. The focus of health insurance cover is to ensure that people are covered while it should consider that the cost of Medicare is addressed. Individual and family: It is sometimes termed as a comprehensive cover. The period is more than 12 months while renewable.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Civil Right Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Civil Right Movement - Essay Example They were the oppressed group as they were denied the equal rights and opportunities as white people. The end of World War II set a new tone for civil rights movement. The movement got prominence when in 1954 Supreme Court of US gave a landmark judgment in Brown vs. Board of Education case. In this judgment, Supreme Court declared racial segregation in school totally illegal and a punishable crime (Brown vs. Board of Education). Finally, the Civil Right Act of 1964 put an end to all discrimination that African Americans were suffering from since centuries. The Act eliminated obstacles that persisted for centuries preventing development of African-Americans. Over 45 years have passed since then; the status of African Americans when seen in the above perspective has improved a lot. Now they have not only equal voting rights to elect the government but they can also occupy any office in the US by their sheer ability. The segregation episodes that their children faced in the schools have been now buried deep into history books. They share all public places with equal rights. They can enter into any professions without any restriction depending upon their interest and ability. It is not surprising that African Americans have excelled in sports, politics, business and hosts of other activities. Their contribution in the US mainstreams reached to its pinnacle when an African American reached to the highest office of US in 2009. Several well-known figures such as Tiger Woods, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan sprung into limelight in the post-civil movement era. Boxer Muhammad Ali, tennis star Arthur Ash, Michael Jordan in basketball, athlete Carl Lewis are some of the prominent names that have excelled in sporting activities after the end of Civil Right movement. Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell became Secretary of State and many large cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York have had mayors from African American community. Barack Obama occupying the highest office in US is a veritable testimony to the genuine change process that has taken place in the last few decades in the country giving equal opportunity, status and privilege to the African Americans as enjoyed by others. The law has given them equal rights and opportunities in all walks of life; this certainly proves that the status of African American has improved significantly since the end of the Civil Rights Movement. Answer 2. The US Law has taken its course giving African American full rights and opportunities but the African American community still faces numerous issues and challenges in the US society. Cedric Herring argues that African Americans still face job discriminations in the US. Giving an example of Texaco, the author states that the companies systemically deny promotions to the members of African American community. The New York Times produced evidence that how several Texaco Executives referred them as 'black jelly beans' and 'niggers' in their mutual conversations. Fi nally, Texaco admitted having excluded all black employees’ names from the list of next level promotions. Later, Texaco had to settle the case by paying $176 million in the largest ever discrimination suit seen in the US. Before 1964, discrimination to the African American community was overt but in the post civil rights movement era it has taken a covert route. Before 1964, no laws questioned the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

International Joint venture Essay Example for Free

International Joint venture Essay International Joint Ventures (IJVs) are becoming increasingly popular in the business world as they aid companies to form strategic alliances. These strategic alliances allow companies to gain competitive advantage through access to a partner’s resources, including markets, technologies, capital and people. International Joint Ventures are viewed as a practical vehicle for knowledge transfer, such as technology transfer, from multinational expertise to local companies, and such knowledge transfer can contribute to the performance improvement of local companies. Within IJV’s one or more of the parties is located where the operations of the IJV take place and also involve a local and foreign company. Basic Elements of an IJV Contractual Agreement. IJVs are established by express contracts that consist of one or more agreements involving two or more individuals or organizations and that are entered into for a specific business purpose. Specific Limited Purpose and Duration. IJVs are formed for a specific business objective and can have a limited life span or be long-term. IJVs are frequently established for a limited duration because (a) the complementary activities involve a limited amount of assets; (b) the complementary assets have only a limited service life; and/or (c) the complementary production activities will be of only limited efficacy. Joint Property Interest. Each IJV participant contributes property, cash, or other assets and organizational capital for the pursuit of a common and specific business purpose. Thus, an IJV is not merely a contractual relationship, but rather the contributions are made to a newly formed business enterprise, usually a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership. As such, the participants acquire a joint property interest in the assets and subject matter of the IJV. Reasons for Forming a Joint Venture There are many motivations that lead to the formation of a JV. They include: Risk Sharing – Risk sharing is a common reason to form a JV, particularly, in highly capital intensive industries and in industries where the high costs of product development equal a high likelihood of failure of any particular product. Economies of Scale – If an industry has high fixed costs, a JV with a larger company can provide the economies of scale necessary to compete globally and can be an effective way by which two companies can pool resources and achieve critical mass. Market Access – For companies that lack a basic understanding of customers and the relationship/infrastructure to distribute their products to customers, forming a JV with the right partner can provide instant access to established, efficient and effective distribution channels and receptive customer bases. This is important to a company because creating new distribution channels and identifying new customer bases can be extremely difficult, time consuming and expensive activities. Geographical Constraints – When there is an attractive business opportunity in a foreign market, partnering with a local company is attractive to a foreign company because penetrating a foreign market can be difficult both because of a lack of experience in such market and local barriers to foreign-owned or foreign-controlled companies. Funding Constraints – When a company is confronted with high up-front development costs, finding the right JVP can provide necessary financing and credibility with third parties. Benefits Many of the benefits associated with International Joint Ventures are that they provide companies with the opportunity to obtain new capacity and expertise and they allow companies to enter into related business or new geographic markets or obtain new technological knowledge. Furthermore, International Joint Ventures are in most cases have a short life span, allowing companies to make short term commitments rather than long term commitments. Through International Joint Ventures, companies are given opportunities to increase profit margins, accelerate their revenue growth, produce new products, expand to new domestic markets, gain financial support, and share scientists or other professionals that have unique skills that will benefit the companies. Structure International Joint Ventures are developed when two companies work together to meet a specific goal. For example, Company A and Company B first begin by identifying and selecting an IJV partner. This process involves several steps such as market research, partner search, evaluating options, negotiations, business valuation, business planning, and due diligence. These steps are taken on by each company. There are also legal procedures involved such as IJV agreement, ancillary agreements, and regulatory approvals. Once this process is complete, the IJV Company is formed and during this final procedure the steps taken are formation and management. Management There are two types of International Joint Ventures: dominant parent and shared management. Within dominant parent IJV’s, all projects are managed by one parent who decides on all the functional managers for the venture. The board of directors, which is made up of executives from each parent, also plays a key role in managing the venture by making all the operating and strategic decisions. A dominant parent enterprise is beneficial where an International Joint Venture parent is selected for reasons outside of managerial input. Finance When two or more partners get together and form an International Joint Venture agreement, they must decide early on in regards to what the financial structure will entail as this will aid in management and control. Some of the steps include establishing the capital required to start the IJV, the impact of securing a strong strategic alliance partner, and financial reporting. Once an arrangement is made, a tax-planned joint venture will be created which will aid in maximizing the after-tax returns. Factors affecting IJV Economic Factors Poor formation and planning Problems that arise in joint ventures are usually as a result of poor planning or the parties involved being too hasty to set up shop. For example, a marketing strategy may fail if a product was inappropriate for the joint venture or if the parties involved failed to appropriately asses the factors involved . Parties must pay attention to several analysis both of the environment and customers they hope to operate in. Failure to do this sets off a bad tone for the venture, creating future problems. Unexpected poor financial performance One of the fastest ways for a joint venture is financial disputes between parties. This usually happens when the financial performance is poorer than expected either due to poor sales, cost overruns or others. Poor financial performance could also be as a result of poor planning by the parties before setting up a joint venture, failure to approach the market with sufficient management efficiency and unanticipated changes in the market situation. A good solution to this is to evaluate financial situations thorough before and during very step of the joint venture. Management problems One of the biggest problems of joint ventures is the ineffective blending of managers who are not used to working together of have entirely different ways of approaching issues affecting the organization. It is a well-known fact that many joint ventures come apart due to misunderstanding over leadership strategies. For a successful joint venture, there has be understanding and compromise between parties, respect and integration of the strengths of both sides to overcome the weaker points and make their alliance stronger. Inappropriate management structure In a bid to have equal rights in the venture, there could be a misfit of managers. As a result, there is a major slowdown of decision making processes. Daily operational decisions that are best made quickly for more efficiency of the business tends to be slowed down because there is now a ‘committee’ that is in place to make sure both parties support every little decision. This could distract from the bigger picture leading to major problems in the long run. Cultures Factors When a joint venture is formed, it is literarily an attempt at blending two or more cultures in the hope of leveraging on the strength of each party. Lack of understanding of the cultures of the individual parties poses a huge problem if not addressed. A common problem in these multi-cultural enterprises is that the culture is not considered in their initial formation. It is usually assumed that the cultural issues will be addressed later when the new unit has been created. Usually, compromises are reached and certain cultural from the parties are kept on while others are others are either out rightly discarded or modified. Pros and Cons for IJV The joint venture is becoming a popular way for companies that outsource their operations to retain a piece of the ownership pie. The creation of a new legal entity during the launch of a joint venture comes with its share of ups and downs. On the plus side: Joint ventures enable companies to share technology and complementary IP assets for the production and delivery of innovative goods and services. Joint ventures can be used to reduce political friction and improve local/national acceptability of the company. Joint ventures may provide specialist knowledge of local markets, entry to required channels of distribution, and access to supplies of raw materials, government contracts and local production facilities. In a growing number of countries, joint ventures with host governments have become increasingly important. These may be formed directly with State-owned enterprises or directed toward national champions. On the minus side: A major problem is that joint ventures are very difficult to integrate into a global strategy that involves substantial cross-border trading. In such circumstances, there are almost inevitably problems concerning inward and outward transfer pricing and the sourcing of exports, in particular, in favor of wholly owned subsidiaries in other countries. Problems occur with regard to management structures and staffing of joint ventures. Many joint ventures fail because of a conflict in tax interests between the partners. Disputes Agreements Disputes When two or more partners agree on an International Joint Venture, there are possibilities for disputes to arise. Particularly in IJV’s, there can be issues between the partners who are likely to want their home country’s governing law and jurisdiction to apply to any disputes that may come up; therefore, to avoid such a problem, a neutral governing law and jurisdiction is chosen in some cases. A popular dispute resolution technique used in IJV’s is arbitration; however, many times a court process is given priority as this system has more authority. Other dispute resolution strategies utilized are mediation and litigation. Agreements Entering into an International Joint Venture agreement begins with the selection of partners and then generally this process continues to a Memorandum of Understanding or a Letter of Intent is signed by both parties. The Memorandum of Understanding is a document describing an agreement between parties. On the other hand, a Letter of Intent is a document outlining an agreement between the parties before the agreement is finalized. Examples of successful IJV Sony-Ericsson is a joint venture by the Japanese consumer electronics company Sony Corporation and the Swedish telecommunications company Ericsson to make mobile phones. The stated reason for this venture is to combine Sonys consumer electronics expertise with Ericssons technological leadership in the communications sector. Both companies have stopped making their own mobile phones. Omega Navigation Enterprises Inc. is an international provider of marine transportation services focusing on seaborne transportation of refined petroleum products. One of the vessels, namely the Omega Duke, is owned through a 50% controlled joint venture with Topley Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Glencore International AG (Glencore).They have also formed an equal partnership joint venture company with Topley Corporation, namely Megacore Shipping Ltd.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

14th Amendment -EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW Essay -- essays researc

EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW In school especially, as well as throughout our daily lives, we learn in America to live by the idea of freedom and equality for all. We do not allow race, class, or creed to determine a person’s stature in the community. It may seem as if this is the standard of society, but these ideas of equality have been fought over since the beginning of written history, and even in America today, prejudice still exists. To address these and similar problems, the founding fathers of this nation created a Constitution which included laws that dealt with individual freedoms. However great the founding fathers envisioned the United States Constitution, it did not form a perfect union and justice for all. America would have to amend, or add to, the Constitution in order to serve its constituents better. The most powerful constitutional act towards equality would come with the fourteenth amendment. This amendment permanently changed constitutional law by empowering the Federal government†™s jurisdiction to include local and state governments which would be required to abide by new standards of civil rights and privileges. In 1791, the states ratified ten amendments to the United States Constitution. These became known as the Bill of Rights, a cornerstone in providing individual liberty. The United States Senate dropped one of the original proposals stating, â€Å"No state shall violate the equal rights of conscience or the freedom of press or trial by jury in crimi...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Underground Hiphop

Michelle Godinho Anthropology 3 MW May 21, 2012 Underground Hip-Hop Introduction: After participating in an event known as â€Å"Paid Dues† (a music festival where artists whose music genre which is underground hip-hop), I will study through an Anthropological perspective, the subculture of underground hip-hop in the USA. Underground Hip-hop is a broad term for rappers and artists who avoid the mainstream. Hip-Hop as a music arose in the late 1970's, exclusively from black culture, which came from block parties in New York, specifically the Bronx, but underground hip-hop originated in the late 80s; in the midst of the golden age of hip-hop.Through an anthropological view, by using a holistic approach, I will explain the major components of the underground hip-hop culture. The major components entail everything people in a society have, think, and do. Also I will talk about their ideology which can fall in the category of the way they think and the symbolism in their lyrics. Ju st some more facts about the underground hip-hop culture; Underground hip-hop encompasses several different styles of music, though it is often politically themed and socially conscious.Numerous acts are described as being both underground and politically or socially aware, these include – A Tribe Called Quest, Brother Ali, Murs, Immortal Technique, Binary Star, and People under the Stairs. Definitions of terms that will be used in my paper: Mainstream – Music that's usually on the radio, that is commercialized and is extremely popular among people. Culture – everything that people have, think and do as members of a society. Ideology – ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or cultureSymbolism – The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities. Have: One of the three major components of culture is â€Å"have†. Have refers to the material possessions and tangible objects within a society. In underg round hip-hop we can call this part of their culture the â€Å"have not’s†. As underground artists they do not like the fortune and fame as the mainstream artists. To further explain this I will use social stratification between underground hip-hop and mainstream hip-hop rappers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Importance of Metals

A metal is defined as an opaque shiny element which possesses properties such as malleability and ductility. Malleable meaning that they can be hammered into shapes and ductile meaning they can be drawn into wires. They are also very strong and posses high tensile strength and are good conductors of heat and electricity. Metals are shiny, and also have high densities. Metals are a very important and significant part of chemistry. However, their importance is not just limited to chemistry; they are also used in our daily lives.We may not realize this but without metals; we would not be able to continue with our daily routines as metals play an important role. Metals are used in the making of household conveniences like ovens, dishes, cutlery etc. they are also used in transportation such as cars, buses, trucks, trains. Computers and electronic devices are also made up of metals. Electrical power production and distribution, even most of the construction is made out of steel which is a n alloy; a mixture of metals such as iron and carbon.And it is because of the specific properties of metals, which allow them to be used in the making of such objects. Although we see metals almost everywhere we go, metals are not found easily. In fact, most of the metals are present in the earth’s crust but when found in the earth these are often mixed with other substances. The rocks in the earth’s crust are a mixture of substances, these rocks from which a metal can be extracted from is known as an ore. The method used to extract metals from ores depends on the reactivity of that metal.Some unreactive metals can even be found in the native state, like gold. On the other hand, most metals are too reactive to exist on their own like aluminium, which has to be extracted using a method called electrolysis. And some moderately reactive metals that are in the middle of the reactivity series can be extracted using reduction of oxides like iron. Gold is not found in a mixtu re or combined state but is also quite rare. Gold is extracted by mining.Gold is a very demanding and expensive metal, the 2nd most expensive after platinum. The metal aluminium is extracted from its one aluminium oxide which is also known as bauxite which is mainly aluminium oxide (Al2O3)It is also the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust but is never found separately, only in its bauxite. Aluminum being a reactive metal has to be extracted using electrolysis. The process of electrolysis requires massive amount of energy and therefore making aluminium expensive to produce.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Baseball and Philosophy Thinking Outside the Batters Box essays

Baseball and Philosophy Thinking Outside the Batters Box essays Baseball and Philosophy Thinking Outside the Batters Box Baseball and Philosophy is a book that brings philosophy to the center stage or the pitching mound so to speak. Baseball and Philosophy is the sixth volume in the Popular Culture and Philosophy series. Other Books in the series include Volume 1 Seinfeld and Philosophy, Volume 2 The Simpsons and Philosophy, Volume 3 The Matrix and Philosophy, Volume 4 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy, and Volume 5 The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy. The editor of the book is Eric Bronson, who also contributed to this book by writing one of the essays. Bronson heads the Philosophy and History Departments at Berkeley College in New York City. He co-edited the Lord of the Rings and Philosophy and contributed chapters to The Simpsons and Philosophy and Seinfeld and Philosophy. Baseball and Philosophy is comprised of 32 professors who wrote 24 essays. These professors explored philosophical questions about the who, what and why of baseball which demonstrate the games connection to larger issues of truth, justice, American identity, and human fulfillment. The topics covered in this book cover everything from How can Zen be applied to hitting to women playing baseball. Another topic which is highly controversial as well as highly publicized is is it ethical to employ deception in sports. This topic alone covers the controversy of Pete Rose being inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame as well as the use of steroids in the game of baseball. My favorite part of the book was the second essay in chapter 8 called Women Playing Hardball by Leslie Heaphy. This essay dealt with the parallels between men and women playing baseball. In this essay Heaphy argues that masculinity and femininity are culturally defined. Masculinity has come to mean power, strength, and muscle; femininity tends to mean weakness, passivity, and grace. Heaphy gives...

Monday, November 4, 2019

A Literature Analysis Of Tom Tykwers Movie Run Lola Run

A Literature Analysis Of Tom Tykwer's Movie Run Lola Run Run Lola Run, a German film directed by Tom Tykwer, is a thriller that talks about a woman named Lola trying to obtain enough money in twenty minutes to save her boyfriend. The film follows Lola’s sequential journey showing three different scenarios of her rescuing plans. While Lola changes her paths and plans each time, people she encounters also receive distinct consecutive consequences resulted either from time or behavioral differences. Although the rescues are motivated by a strong sense of love, the film does not solely center on the love-bond between Lola and Manni. The life-changing twists of those who meet with and pass by Lola in the film show the interrelationship and importance of time, decision and fate. In this paper, I will discuss how the film deals with realism in an unrealistic setting. Having the restart button is never a concrete case, but the lessons of making decisions, learning from mistakes, living with surprises and running against time are genuine. Life comes with many crucial moments. With one decision has been made, it will lead to a different life path. Tom Tykwer deals with the significance of decision making in the film. Within the limited time frame, he chooses to use several photomontages to portray different fates. For instance, the old lady with a stroller who gets her own baby taken away decides to steal another person’s baby in the first scenario. The photomontages show her love for the kid, her frustration after baby is taken away and her sickened excitement seeing another baby. In the second scenario, the montages again indicate moments with strong emotions like showing off the lottery ticket, overloaded happiness after winning the lottery and clams and satisfaction after owning the sudden wealth. The same montage technique applies to the biker and the hallway lady as well, showing their love stories or suicides in different scenarios. Whatever their destinies are, the photomontages catch the key moments, th e moments with strong emotions that reflect how they perceive their decisions. Happy or sad or hopeful or disappointed, the moments are their turning points of life just like the old lady decides to live in an unhealthy relationship or deciding to buy a lottery. She lives with the same man and the same kid in two scenarios, but her decisions make a huge difference. The technique cuts straight to the points in fleeting speed where it conveys that sometimes it is just a matter of a fleeting moment that will ultimately determine a life path. The setting of three scenarios is already exceed the conventional expectation of a film, but the unexpected factors that happen each time make the film even more complex and interesting. For instance, the first time when Lola encounters with the ferocious dog, she gets scared. When she is well-prepared in the second time, the dog owner unexpectedly trips Lola and makes her fall off downstairs. Similarly, after Lola fails to get money from her dad, she robs the bank instead. When she finally meets with Manni with the money, the scene almost makes viewers believe it is the end. However, an ambulance runs over Manni and leads everything to the third sequence. Even tough Lola has previous experience and memory, she still unable to avoid the unexpected events and people. Indeed, life is unpredictable and full of surprises. People seemingly feel confident about their doings based on their experiences, like Lola knows the dog will be there and viewers know Lola is prepared. However, the ans wer to who would expect the dog owner would get involved is absolutely no one. There is no guarantee that a similar experience will doom a success, but it definitely helps with better preparation in the future. The mistakes Lola learned from the first and second sequences lead her to decide to jump over the dog in the third time, but again, winning the jackpot and even successfully meeting with Manni with the extra money on hands are also surprises. Besides Lola is the main character, time is another main matter that simultaneously exists. The film gives several close-ups to clocks and watches that symbolize the time. On one hand, it always reminds Lola and viewers of the limited twenty minutes. On the other hand, it indicates the crucial fact that you have to catch up with time rather than another way around. In an unrealistic setting that lives can be given a second chance and time can be reversed, the time runs at the same pace each time. Regardless what happens, it cannot prevent time from running. For instance, in the opening scene when Lola going over who can help in her head, the arc shot moves in circle like how clock runs. With Lola stands still in the circle, it forms strong contrast that the time does not wait as you stop. Additionally, when Lola screams in her dad’s office, the clock is broken to pieces. Though the physical object is broken and paused at eleven fifty, the rule of time can be resisted. When Lol a asks the old lady for time, it already passed eleven fifty. Thus, the time is always running and Lola is just running out of time. People in real life race against time too, but without having the chance to reverse it. It is a race, an unfair one, that people have to adjust plans or speed up in order to be efficient enough in twenty-four hours. In conclusion, Run Lola Run is a love story, yet reveals many philosophies that deal with life. Three scenarios prove that each person has a different fate and a fleeting moment and a decision can be crucial to determine a life path. Whether the life path moves toward a positive or negative direction, people can never predict the future because life may not go smoothly as expected. Though people can change their plans to pursue a better future, but time cannot be reversed or paused, people have to chase the time.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Product Reassesment research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Product Reassesment - Research Paper Example Product reassessment gets conducted due to the product’s performance in the market. Market performance indicators may result to a product reassessment (Graham et al, 2008). This paper will discuss a reassessment of battery free remote control in the US market. The target markets for this product include retailers and consumers who are in search for battery free remote controls. Developing a marketing strategy involves the identification of a target market and coming up with a mix that will appeal to potential consumers. Developing an ideal market mix involves paying attention to factors such as price, product, and promotion. Target marketing involves selecting a viable target market by factoring in; the expected growth, size, cost to reach, competitive position and compatibility (Graham et al, 2008). Target marketing may undertake the single target market approach or multiple target market approach. In repositioning the target market for battery free remote control, branding i s essential as 76% of American consumers base their decision to purchase a product on its brand name (Kahn, 2011). The product’s retail market is also growing massively as large retailers offer exceptional demand for the product. A few of this retail chains own over 4000 chains in the US and thus provide ample appetite for the product (Kahn, 2011). Marketing research is vital to ensure that the product gets repositioned towards its target market. Research is crucial in determining how market mix influences customer behavior. In order to reposition the product to its target market, it is necessary to conduct positioning research (Graham et al, 2008). This will help the manufacturing firm to determine the perceptions of the target market in regards to their brand. Positioning research identifies how the target markets view the brand in relation to other brands from competitors. It helps the firm to understand what their brands stand for from the customers’ views (Graham et al, 2008). Positioning research will also help the firm to differentiate its products from those of other competitors. It will help the firm to develop its own position in the market with the view of appealing to its target market through its own product attributes. It is necessary to also conduct a segmentation research for the product. This will help the firm to identify the behavioral patterns of potential buyers. Segmentation research allows the firm to determine the demographic characteristics of the target market. Determining the demographic and behavioral patterns of potential buyers is vital in repositioning the product in the market. Demographic and behavior pattern data assists firm management to understand their target market while in the design process of the product. The data derived from such research helps the manufacturing firm to redesign the product in accordance with the target market’s taste and preferences. This will help to reposition the product in t he target market along competitor brands (Kahn, 2011). Adoption rates refer to speed with which new members of a society start to use new technology within a specified time (Kahn, 2011). To increase the adoption rate for the product, the firm should consider on the product pricing. The product should be offered at a competitive price by the firm. Competitive pricing will allow the target mark